Monday, June 8, 2015

Can we just date?

Dating. This word can bring out so many emotions within a few minutes. Either you love, hate it or have officially given up on it. Seriously, when has dating become this "project"? You have rules and regulations. All you really want to know CAN WE JUST DATE? I am so sick and tired of the rules when it comes to dating. Elite Daily pointed out some dating rules that we need to break up with. Here are a few that we at MuseMe think we all should break up with NOW! 

1. Using Facebook to make things official or unofficial.- Lets be honest, your moms best friend and your high school teacher do not care if you and your new boo are "official" or when you guys break up for the seventh time within the past few weeks.  If we both know its official lets just be happy with that. 
2. Having an argument over text.- Yes, we all have been guilty of this crime. Just pick up the phone or meet up and stop waiting for your phone to pop up with those little "bubbles" waiting for their response. It’s annoying and you will give yourself a heart attack waiting for that response. 
3. Giving up if they don’t “give it up” on the third date.- Your body, mind and soul your choice. No rule should be in place for when you are ready! 
4. Millennials using joint Facebook accounts.-PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS--if I need to explain why not then you know you are not ready to break up with the "rules". 

Do you have any rules that you personally are sick and tired of in the world of dating? 

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