Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Please Say Yes To Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga: 9 Tips For Looking Your Best During And After Class

I personally have become an avid hot yoga groupie. Over the past few months I have become addicted to sweating out for 90 minutes with a room full of people while we all bow down to Namaste. Bikram is a 90-minute yoga class consisting of 26 asanas or poses, two breathing exercises. The practice is held in a room heated to 105°F with 40% humidity. Lets be honest,  by the 70 minute mark, I am passed out in the corner in steady child pose. I have to admit that after each session.. I feel amazing. Refresh and calm. Do not ask me how that is possible after sweating in places that are shocking! 
While researching some tips on how to handle before/after hot yoga beauty tips, I found this great article on my new favorite website xovain.  Here is a list of the tips that I found useful:

BRING YOUR OWN TOWELS- Trust me you want to bring your own. Do you really believe that all the bleached can remove someone else hot yoga sweat? Nope, I didn't think so--bring your own. 
EXFOLIATE BEFORE YOU GO TO CLASS-Winter skin is the worst, save yourself and do this before hot yoga. 
WASH YOUR FACE RIGHT AFTER CLASS- I personally use the product Acure Unscented Argan Oil Cleansing Towelettes. It saves my skin after a hot session. 

TAKE A WARM--NOT COLD--SHOWER- it feels refreshing trust me. Just like a spa moment! 

Check out the rest of article on xovain!


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Spring Lookbook

Once again our MuseMe Contributor Tiffany Tsan has done it again! She brought us some of fashion love for April. We just love her look, the vibe, the music and her spirit. Street Style at its finest. Check out her latest addition! 

Remember to follow Tiffany Tsan YouTube.