Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Lady Gaga. Talented. Our social media intern Quinci LOVES Lady Gaga and we have to admit we are obsessed too. After seeing her live in concert a few times we are a true fan. This woman is talented hands down. So of course we have to put her on MuseMe. Her recent interview in CR Fashion Book Issue 7 details her career and her upcoming marriage. Make sure you check it out here!

"When, you know, actually, legacy and longevity is about having some sort of story and footprint to leave in the world when you die, chasing your talent until you're
 dead. "


Monday, August 24, 2015

7 Things.

Finally Fall Season is approaching us! I love fall clothes. Honestly, the fall season is my favorite season for fashion. WhoWhatWear has given us a preview of what 7 things we need to look oh so good for fall. 

1. The Structured Handbag:It was all about the bucket bag for a while, but currently I'm seeking more structured, ladylike bags to pair with my casual outfits. Think opposites!

2 .The Trench Coat: The trench coat is always a classic, but it's back as a big fashion trend for this fall.

3.  The Suit Paint: Don't think of it as just work wear! Envision it in place of your denim. Pair it with your favorite T-shirt for an easy, relaxed look.

4. The Perfect Nude Lipstick: Bold red will always be around but right now, the softer lip is feeling more modern.

5. The Straight Leg Jean: Keep the skinny jean as a go-to, but the straight-leg style is having its moment again!

6. The Kitten Heel: Who doesn't love a true high heel? But this fall try out the kitten heel. A great d'orsay is a classic that's always in my wardrobe rotation.

7. The Statement Necklace: The statement necklace is an easy way to dress up your more casual looks.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

So I have to Workout in the Morning huh?

Personally, I hate the idea of getting up early before work to get in a morning workout. I know I need to do it because after work I will make up so many excuses. Also I am the person who has become jealous of the people running around my neighborhood at 5am looking all refresh while Im dragging around looking for coffee. Here are a few tips I got from PopSugar (of course) on how to make my morning workout easier.

1. Set multiple alarms
When I say I set multiple alarms, I don't mean two — I mean five or six, starting half an hour before I want to get up. If I'm not in the habit of getting up early to hit the gym, my body is not ready for the rude awakening, and I find myself hitting snooze and missing my workout. When you're just getting into the habit, bombard yourself with obnoxious alarms and know that while you're totally miserable in the moment, you'll thank yourself later.
2. Lay out everything the night before
Shorts, check. Sports bra, check. Water bottle, keys . . . check, check. Scrambling around half delirious in the morning is not the most effective way to start the day. I've found that when I can plan ahead and have everything ready at arm's reach, it's much more likely I'll make it out the door and to my 7 a.m. Spin class on time.                                                              
3. Make it a date
Some days it can be so difficult to get out of bed, especially when I know that there is nothing stopping me from staying snuggled under the covers. But when I know that someone is depending on me to show up, it's much easier to get out of bed and get my act together. Convince a friend to meet you for a morning run, and you won't be able to skip out.
4. Cut travel time
My gym is a 10-minute walk from home (or five-minute jog, if I'm feeling ambitious . . . ), and the quick commute means that I can sneak in every extra minute of sleep possible. Since a longer commute would mean getting up even earlier, finding a gym that was literally around the corner meant that making an excuse about travel time was no longer an option. Even if a nearby gym isn't an option, running outside or doing a video in your living room can help you sneak in a workout, no matter how short on time you feel.
5. Leave no escape
At my gym, signing up for a class and then not showing up is a major no-no that can lead to a ding on your account. So to get myself out of bed and into the gym, I've started signing up for morning classes the night before. If I know there are consequences for not showing up, it's more likely that I'll get up and get my act together. If your gym is more forgiving, make your own ultimatums. Live with a roommate or a significant other? Pay them $5 if you sleep in — when your money is on the table, getting to the gym will seem easy.
6. Don't sweat a slipup
Some days I miss the mark and end up skipping my workout, especially after indulging a little too much the night before. It's important to accept that I'm not going to make my goal every time. If you miss a workout, don't beat yourself up; just pay attention to what went wrong — were you up too late the night before? Did you just turn off your alarm instead of getting up? Listen to your body, and learn from what didn't work instead of getting upset.
7. Plan a reward
Call me crazy, but one of my favorite treats is a refreshing, rich iced latte. Since they can be pretty pricey, I try to keep this delicious treat to something I enjoy on the weekend only. But I've found that if I promise myself a slightly sweet, strong, and milky cup of deliciousness on the way to work if I hit the gym first, it's easier for me to face the day knowing that a treat is coming my way.
8. Crash early
OK, I admit it — this is the puzzle piece I consider my weakness. I'm a night owl, and as hard as I try to hit the hay at 9 p.m., I'll just toss and turn until my body decides it's ready for sleep, usually around 1:30 a.m. I've found the longer I work at adjusting my schedule, the easier it becomes, but there are still days I wish that I was able to magically pass out. I've learned that turning off the TV and closing my laptop an hour before hopping into bed does seem to help, so be sure to shut off the screens when you're trying to go to bed earlier than normal.
9. Remember the results
I never expected that switching my workout routine from after work to before it would affect my mood throughout the day, but I swear it has. Though I may feel sluggish getting out the door, once I've sweated out my morning weariness, I leave the gym feeling seriously refreshed and invigorated. Maybe it's the endorphins, or maybe it's the fact that the day is now full of possibilities — but I am ready to hit the ground running. If you're struggling to find the motivation, just remember the energy you will feel pulsing through your body as soon as you step out the doors and start the rest of your day.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

We got some myths.

We love the fashion world, but we can't help noticing that there are many misconceptions about how it works. For example, Fashion Week isn't all endless parties, not every job is straight out of The Devil Wears Prada, and yes, we do definitely eatHarper's Bazaar editor Lauren Fisher tackles these myths , but below, read some of our favorites from her list: 
On Fashion Week: "While Instagram may make it look like nothing more than a stylish celebration of glamorous front rows, celeb-studded afterparties and carefully curated street-style looks, there's actually a lot of behind-the-scenes hard work that goes into Fashion Week... The biannual events involve a lot of running, hustle and very little sleep. (But we won't lie: there's a little bit of celebrating and champagne, too.)" 

On dieting: ​​​"While we may love our kale and juice cleanses, we also know the importance of carbs. Case in point: the line at Hearst Cafeteria for pizza or burgers and the dessert station always outweighs the line for the salad bar." 

On The Devil Wears Prada: "The myth that everyone working in fashion is a complete bitch has stood the test of time. Like any other industry, there will always be catty people, but just because we're well-heeled doesn't mean we automatically have a nasty attitude to go along with it."


Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Muse: Beyonce.

“She’s the whole package: primal, rare, delicate, beautiful, and powerful.” —Stella McCartney


Thursday, August 13, 2015

We've Got Some Tricks.

We've got some tricks to show you! Have you ever notice that celebrities have a specific trend that they follow that can make every outfit in pictures look sliming?! Well duh! WhoWhatWear have given some insight and we want to share it with our MuseMe followers!Long Outer Layer


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pour it up, pour it up

Sometimes you just need to put down the glass of wine or that favorite bar drink and sip on some H2O. Our favorite lifestyle blogger Hannah Bronfman from has provided some reasons you need to step up your water game! Trust me I've learned on how to drink water on the daily. My favorite thing I do is to cut up some lemons and cucumbers each night added them to my water in my mason jar and keep it overnight! The next day it’s fresh and detoxes my body! Just keep refilling it through out the day!
You Have Bad Breath
Coffee breath now has a whole new meaning! “If you’re not producing enough saliva in the mouth, you can get bacteria overgrowth and one of the side reactions of that is bad breath from chronic dehydration,” says John Higgins, MD, associate professor of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Texas in Houston. Being hydrated can help with saliva production, so the more water you chug, the better.
You Get Headaches
Headaches are a symptom of many ailments, but if you’re experiencing headaches alongside other dehydration symptoms, consider this a sign that you need more H20 in your life. "The more water you lose, the more your blood volume drops, which causes less oxygen flow to the brain. That causes your blood vessels to dilate, which can make your headache feel even worse," says Greg Justice, an exercise physiologist and author of Mind Your Own Fitness.
Your Pee is Bright Yellow
A random, but very true fact. Monitor the toilet bowl and note when your pee appears extra yellow. If you're not taking a B vitamin or antibiotic, this can be a direct sign of dehydration, reflecting an over-concentration of waste, which is more easily flushed out when you’re fully hydrated. Simply put when it comes to pee, the clearer the better. 
You’re Constipated
Not the most fabulous topic of conversation, but still a very serious sign that you’re dehydrated. A properly hydrated digestive system allows for waste to easily pass through your body—not enough fluids makes this simple task much more difficult on your body.
Tips for Rehydrating
If you’ve noticed any of the previous symptoms, you’re most likely dehydrated. But don't worry, it can be reversed. Be careful to notice when you experience them, this way you can take some proactive steps to keep your body feeling good and looking great.
Here are some helpful tips to get hydrated and stay that way:
  • Drink more water, but not too much! Drinking too fast may cause stomach upset and drinking too much water can cause you to expel large amounts of urine, slowing the rehydration process.
  • Eat foods high in electrolytes and water. Vegetables and fruit are great for rehydrating.
  • Be sure to get a healthy dose of sodium and potassium. Try coconut water for an alternative source of electrolytes and bananas are always a potassium staple.
  • Stay away from alcohol and caffeine, both of which make it difficult for your body to retain fluids.  
Whether you're a firm believer in 8 cups of water a day or a connoisseur of bubbly water, we can undoubtedly agree that it's important to stay hydrated. Before your next sweat sesh, remember these tips and ensure hydration is part of your daily wellness.