Hot Yoga: 9 Tips For Looking Your Best During
And After Class
I personally have
become an avid hot yoga groupie. Over the past few months I have become
addicted to sweating out for 90 minutes with a room full of people while we all
bow down to Namaste. Bikram is a 90-minute yoga class
consisting of 26 asanas or poses, two breathing
exercises. The practice is held in a room heated to 105°F with 40% humidity.
Lets be honest, by the 70 minute mark, I am passed out in the corner in
steady child pose. I have to admit that after each session.. I feel amazing. Refresh and calm. Do not ask me how that is possible after sweating in places that are shocking!
researching some tips on how to handle before/after hot yoga beauty tips, I
found this great article on my new favorite website xovain. Here is a list of the tips that
I found useful:
YOUR OWN TOWELS- Trust me you want to bring your own. Do you
really believe that all the bleached can remove someone else hot yoga sweat?
Nope, I didn't think so--bring your own.
BEFORE YOU GO TO CLASS-Winter skin is the worst, save
yourself and do this before hot yoga.
YOUR FACE RIGHT AFTER CLASS- I personally use the product Acure
Unscented Argan Oil Cleansing Towelettes. It saves my skin after a hot session.
A WARM--NOT COLD--SHOWER- it feels refreshing trust me. Just
like a spa moment!
Check out the rest of article on xovain!